
It was 10:30 AM when the sleeper train from Przemyśl, Poland, pulled into Podilsk station in Odesa Oblast. After a 14-hour journey across Ukraine in a cabin that felt like the inside of a volcano, we finally arrived. The temperature was a blistering 92°F (33°C) as we stepped off the train into clear blue skies...

As the war in Ukraine enters its third year, our commitment to providing vital humanitarian aid to those affected by the conflict remains unwavering. Today, we'd like to take a moment to introduce you to Andre, another member of the team at Actions Beyond Words (ABW). Since joining our headquarters in January 2024, fresh off...

Recently, ABW hosted organizations from around the globe with one common goal: to come together and support those in Ukraine who urgently need humanitarian aid. Our organizations united for one week in February with a shared mission of aiding the people in Ukraine who need support the most. Amidst the joyful reunion chatter, there was...

As February's curtain was poised to fall, and another leap year bestowed its extra day by way of the encore, the headquarters of Actions Beyond Words (ABW) pulsed with energy. Laughter filled the air, plans were drawn, and the gentle hum of Google Translate echoed around the room. Within these walls, a remarkable collaboration unfolded,...

In the quest to embody the very soul of a young NGO like ABW, one often grapples with the challenge of resource constraints. How does one portray the passion and spirit driving the organisation without substantial investment?Enter an unexpected twist of fate. When the parent of a new volunteer stumbled upon ABW through our social...

In November 2023, Southern California native Flavio seized the opportunity to join Actions Beyond Words (ABW) on a humanitarian mission to Ukraine. Despite the unfamiliarity of working in a war zone and experiencing below-zero temperatures, Flavio's eagerness prevailed. Co-founders Simon Massey and Travis Goode welcomed him in Poland after a grueling 25+ hour journey, marking...

In August 2023, a call from Norway caught us off guard: a retiring dentist in Finland wanted to donate his entire $100,000 dental suite. The challenge? Getting it to Kyiv, and onward to Donetsk Oblast!. Nada-Nord in Finland coordinated with Paracrew Humanitarian Aid in Norway, and with dentists and volunteers from seven countries, the ABW...

When incredible teams from the UK, USA, Finland, and Norway come together, it's like witnessing a true Christmas Miracle.The immense efforts and boundless generosity of our friends at NADA-NORD in Finland, alongside Paracrew Humanitarian Aid in Norway, brought forth a beacon of hope—a 40’ truck laden with vital food and hygiene supplies destined for Ukraine....